Unova Regionals

We just noticed that the Unova regional Sigilyph is appearing the Pokéstop quests around Lincoln. This Pokémon can only normally be found in Egypt so this is a great opportunity for some people who have never travelled to Egypt to pick up this elusive Pokémon. The quest seems pretty rare as there were only 3 in the whole city today. The current Sigilyph quests will stay there until midnight tonight, but hopefully some more spawn tomorrow. We're also hoping that some quests for Maractus and Bouffalant show up starting at midnight tonight too since the event description mentions them.
We have created a Discord channel to look for these regionals which you can find on the Lincoln Discord server #regionals channel. You can also check out the Lincoln Pokémon Map and filter for Pokéstop quests. Please remember that the map scans for both the quests that show up for people with an AR quest, and quests that show up for people without an AR quest. If you have no idea what I'm talking about check your quest list and look for something like this.

If you see an "AR mapping" quest like the above, go after the quests on the map that say "AR task" like this

If you appreciate being able to catch these rare regionals with the help of the map, we encourage you to make a donation. We provide the map for free to anyone who wants to use it, but it definitely isn't free to run so we need donations to keep it going. Happy hunting! Gotta catch 'em all!